Consistency Is The Key

Consistency Is The Key

Above is the total value of the Options Wealth Academy Model Account. For those that have been students since I started the Options Wealth Academy, you have seen first hand what happens when we trade options and get hit with a Bear Market.

As we struggled through 2022 with our emotions, and especially for those that were brand new to the course and our templates, 2022 was a make or break year for you.

If you are reading this, it means you stuck it out. So take the time to look in the mirror and be proud!

This is huge achievement that most of you may not realize.

As a coach, I see the numbers of folks that join and the number of folks that stay after one year. And I can tell you, those numbers are not very good for those that stay.

But, on a positive note, just realize that you are taking a path that most won't take, which means you will not be part of the headlines that most will be part of one day.

That headline is typically when the market crashes, the economy tanks and folks are left with half of their net worth when the dust settles.

You will not be in the bright lights or front page news, and this is a great thing. You will be quietly working on your humility as you are now positioned to take advantage of the massive sales that will be prevalent in the market.

And that brings me to the point of this blog.

I struggle just like everyone else!

Although you don't see it on camera, I have the same struggles as any other person trading options and managing my own financial future.

Believe me, 2022 was a year I contemplated going back to work as I thought the Options Wealth Academy would never survive.

I fell back on the videos my mentor created and realized that if I were to be successful, I had to be consistent.

I didn't have to always be right. I could make mistakes, lose money on trades due to those mistakes and still be profitable.

The above screenshot of the model account is proof.

That account started the 2022 year with $10K in it. I gave the market approximately 30% of it during the Bear market.

Yet I remained consistent to my convictions and the system I had already proven in the past. I stayed consistent in depositing money to the account on a monthly basis.

I followed my goals and increased those deposits this year.

And today, it is showing signs of paying off. If I exited every trade right now, my account would have a 30% profit. $10K to $13K in 6 months.

And this is where my alter ego "Pedro" always shows up.

In my ear he is whispering that it isn't going to last. That I should exit now and wait for the market to crash.

I'll send Pedro out to get us some take out while I continue following my plan.

And all of you will be able to watch.

You get to watch my failures along with my successes.

My Hope Is You Are Not Just Watching!

While there are some reading this that are not yet part of our membership community, my hope is that those that are have been doing the same thing I have.

Even if you haven't been as consistent, as long as you have been just following the templates, you should be seeing similar results.

Those results as well as my videos and spreadsheet should be giving you the proof you need to just follow the template (JFTT).

And when you do, it won't be long before you start seeing that you can do this.

3X Growth Strategy Struggle

The biggest struggle I see with most folks and myself is with the 3X Growth strategy.

It is fantastic when we trade this strategy during Bull Markets. The day you get caught up in a market like we experienced in 2022, you start buying into the theory that you were just lucky!

Believe me, I understand this as I felt the same way.

You have to look back at past successful trades as well as unsuccessful trades to cement in your learning.

There are times when I have had profitable trades where I got "lucky". When I've looked back, I found that I didn't follow the template.

For some reason, the Market through me a bone and provided me with a profit when I didn't deserve it.

Or did I? Did the Market give me a reward for showing up.

The best part is that I was able to correct the mistake and follow that trade up with another winning trade.

In 2020 and 2021, I consistently generated huge returns from the 3X Growth Strategy template.

And then in 2022, I lost on three straight trades. It can seem demoralizing.

You have to keep telling yourself that it is just part of the process.

The fact is that the very best in the business have losing trades. And losing years.

Ray Dalio is considered to be the best Fund manager of our time. His company's fund has produced significant returns with only three losing years.

Imagine if they quit after one losing year?

How Can I Stay Consistent?

I know this is going to sound like a Marketing plug for the Options Wealth Academy, but it isn't.

The key to my consistency has been staying plugged into a system.

You folks are now my system, the Success Academy was the system I was plugged into prior to launching the Options Wealth Academy.

I initially joined to learn how to trade options and quickly learned that like any great endeavor, you can't go it alone.

You need a team as well as a system. You need to surround yourself with like minded people chasing the same goal.

I am sure there are successful students that joined a program for one year and stay consistently engaged after leaving the program.

I believe they are a small minority of students.

I stay consistently engaged because I am now coaching you folks to learn and be able to do what I do.

You have to figure out what keeps you engaged for the long haul.

This is why we created the system this way. There is no doubt that our program is well worth the investment.

When I joined the Success Academy, my initial investment was $3,000 with a $900 membership fee there after.

I turned a $5K account into $43K in two years being a part of that system. Would you agree that my investment paid off?

Today, I just shared my account value for 2023 and as I was writing this blog, my GTC on my 3X Growth Strategy Call just triggered at a 50% return on my investment.

The initial investment risk was just over 20% and with that booked profit, the account is up 11% on the year.

If I had a $10K account, that would be half the current cost of the Options Wealth Academy.

If it was a $20K account, it paid for it.

After Amateur hour, I will take my profits and original risk and buy another LEAP Call option on SPY. The market is hitting an all time new high from nearly one year ago.

It appears to be struggling and Pedro is telling me it is going to fall.

But, the template says place the trade and the template knows so much more than Pedro.

Pedro may be right today, but when it comes to long term consistency, he's often wrong.

But the Template isn't. It's wrong at times, but over the long term, it's right. And when it's right, you profit huge!

So stay consistent to the template and disregard what your "Pedro" is telling you.

To your Success!


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